MyPetConnector spray can be used to help reduce the emotional distress caused by the temporary or permanent separation from your loving pet.
Here are some reasons for use:
Here are some reasons for use:
- If you are travelling and want to be able to connect with and feel pet even while you are gone.
- For those in the military or those in nursing homes or hospitals that cannot be with their animals.
- For children who must spend time with different family members in the case of divorce, vacation, etc. who cannot take their pets with them.
- It can be used to more easily develop skills in communicating with your, other, animals. Also, if desired, to develop skills in general for communing with other forms of nature in this unique way.
- To have a source of an Essence from a strong healthy animal to give back to yours if it gets sick.
- To use with animals that are not getting along or having other difficulties amongst themselves.
- To have, if an animal passes in order to stay connected and deal with the grief, and still feel their comfort and presence.
- To spray on a blanket, a teddy bear or other fabric in order to snuggle into their energy.
If you know you need MyPetConnector now, click below. There is a 30 day money back, 100 % satisfaction guarantee.
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Location Name
1345 Main St
San Francisco, CA
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1345 Main St
San Francisco, CA
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi.